Countdown to Ecstasy! (four)

Pete & the Pirates
Little Death
Ahoy! In amongst the sensory overload of flashing disco lights, gaudy baubles, Human League Top-Shop t-shirts and their synthesised, aural equivalents; a ragtag band of Berkshire cut-throats have come from the other, C-86, indiepop side of the 80s revival to capture your heart, if not skewer it with a rusty cutlass. At first glance the title suggests more miserablism ala a more angsty, teenage Teddy Thompson; but translated into French, 'tis a naughty euphemism for orgasm, or its postcoital aftermath. A perfectly apt & naughty moniker for these melodic lovesongs bursting with orgasmic riffs, euphoric chord changes, youthful exhuberance & a dab of confusion. (... Watercolours?)
Ragged edged, yet tightly packed tunes follow tunes with alarming speed (only a couple break the 3 minute barrier), and are played with both a touch of quintessentially English, awkward shyness & boyish confidence: "Your smile is fake, but I like your face". Armed with a barrage of pleasingly tinny guitars & duelling harmonies, this deceptively simple collection of good-strong, hot-strong songs show that you don't need big bucks, big sounds or even big ideas to make a great album (size isn't everything), just a little space to breathe, a little joy, a little despair, a little life, a little death.
Arrrgh, me hearties, etc.
Labels: albums of the year 2008
Yay! Ahhh, memories... The agonising elevator ride to get to the rainy, smokey section... The Cylon eye on the side of the stage... Getting lost and ending up in previously mentioned elevator with the band minutes before they took to the stage, and the geeky-looking one's awful 'tuna' joke!
I thought this was a shoe-in for my top 10, but then October went and became a bastard by releasing too many good things too quickly!
The two new singles point to the 2nd album being equally as ace too.
1:40 am
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