
widg‧et /ˈwɪdʒɪt/ [wij-it] -noun: Pointless ramblings from the New Forest. Obviously complete & utter Rubbish. Why must I contibute to all this endless talk about me? My self-indulgent knees, spilling themselves all over the internet. Obviously i am Jon and his hair, I AM HIM!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Would You Like a Cup of Coffee?

With Kofi Annan leaving office as the UN Secretary General at the end of the month, I was hoping that we would get another double-named candidate, after the entertainingly titled Boutros Boutros Ghali and the aforementioned Mr. Ann-An. For the next holder of this position I would like to nominate the famous, stuttering spy, Bond James Bond or maybe even BoBo the Clown (everyone knows his name). Sadly the decision is out of my hands, the President of Burundi has spoken, but as luck would have it the new bloke does have a traditionally funny name, possibly inspired by an old Wings song, Ban Ki-moon!

On the subject of Jimbo Bond, I recently embarked on one of my increasingly rare trips to the cinema to see BJB in action. This time with my mother, who got very excited when he emerged out of the sea like an underdressed & slightly less curvy Ursula Andress. I do think that the founders of Broccoli should have back peddled even further and set it in the 1950s, in a black & white, Cold War, noirish kind of style, but as a reboot of a film series that had seriously lost its way 'Casino Royale' does what it says on the tin. Spectacular, but not too unbelievable, low-key in all the right places, I'm sure they could have found a place for Miss Moneypenny, maybe she didn't have the range, but still, a job well done.


Blogger AlphIANo said...

Daniel Craig David was today voted sexiest man on the planet in a poll by Durex, and yet 3 months ago craignotbond.com was in full flight. How quick the fickle change their mind. All you need's a condom, apparently.

Nice pic by the way, makes me feel wrong in all the right ways x

2:55 pm


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