Unfinished Monkey Business

The course was plotted, but proved to be useless, so we threw it away and followed our twitching tails all the way to the Hop & Kilderkin in search of booty (the valuable kind, not sexualised arses) & bounty (the monetary reward, not synthesised coconut covered in substandard chocolate). We arrived just in time to get pissed for two hours with the Abbots before the monkey-based pub quiz began. We warmed up for the main event via the medium of Enrique Iglesias's blue plastic box & pizza. Of the six exciting prizes on offer at this most cercopithecan of quiz nights, we sailed away with four, snatching them straight from the gaping holes of the confused apes. It's a poor workman who blames his monkey.

Currently listening: Aman Iman by Tinariwen
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