Peachy Hoop Toss (Three)


Patrick Wolf
The Magic Position
Although he's been around for a while, with a couple of earlier albums that I haven't got round to listening to yet, though I've been told they were more sombre affairs than this; the first time I heard of Patrick Wolf was on the E4 Musical Yoof Fireside Hour channel, when I was awoken from my dazed slumber by a bright red burst of joyous noise. Looking like something straight out of a kind of warped Children's BBC, from the first crashing bars of 'Overture', Mr Wolf pulls you into his colourful & complex world.
This a brilliantly bold & entrancing record, flitting from upbeat electronica to stripped down ballads with a bit of indie thrown in for good measure, switching back & forth before you have a chance to catch your breath. Like the Crabbman's number 4 choice, Rilo Kiley, there is an eclectic collection of styles on offer here. Possibly too many, as it begins to lose focus in places, streching it's coherance as an album a little too much, before snapping back in the opposite direction. It may not always work, but there's more than enough genius here to overlook a few stylistic stumbles.
Just like the magic roundabout on the cover, a spin of this disc will take you on a very odd & exhilarating rainbow ride.
Dammit! Patrick Wolf! I forgot about Patrick Wolf! Yes, very nice, this definitely would've made my top 10, possibly the top 5.
Ooh, I'm all excited about the top 2 now!!!...
3:32 pm
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