Ou Est Le Skag Bag? (Well, Hello There 2007)

The next eight hours were spent in various stages of fitful and distressed sleep, with mucous and despair my only friends. Only then did I emerge from my smelly chrysalis, blinking behind my oversized Bulgarian sunglasses, into the afternoon's dull light.
The next few hours were spent in a hazy fug, suppressing the overwhelming urge to hibernate. My flagging spirits were only lifted by a fortuitous turkey stew and the mind-numbing magic picture box in the corner of my cell.
Happy New Yeaurgh...

Currently listening to this pressie: All Maps Welcome by Tom McRae
Is it possible you drank so much alky-hol you've turned neon blue? Blimey!
Good prezzie to listen to though, let Mr Tom rub your soul better.
Happy New Year (again) xxxx
8:06 pm
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