Knickerless (Nick'll be)

Anyway, on to less important matters. Watch out automobilophiles, after an absence of nearly a decade I'm back on your roads, yes yours. I've almost learned to undo the handbrake and fiddle with the window swipers, I even went backwards the other day. I did went and go forwards too, at upwards of 30 miles per hour, with the wind whistling through the holes in my go-faster stripe enhanced trousers. I am indeed a speed demon. I shall vow to walk no more, not that I did went and do much of that anyway. I hereby pass my pedestrian mantle onto the next generation in the person of my driving instructor's brand new sproglet (once he's learned to walk). Take cover, for Gigantor stalks the Earth!

Currently listening: Cansei De Ser Sexy by CSS
Post them then!
11:53 pm
by the way, genius title. That is all.
10:58 pm
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