A Nasal Passage

A truly momentous event has occurred, at least in my world. It shall remain unspoken due to my irrational fear of everything. Just to put on record that yes, it did indeed happen, as a kind of electronically wordy way of pinching myself.
Anyway, onto the news that's bothering the denizens of middle England this week. The Daily (ugh) Mail's page three stunner today is none other than the lovely Michael Jackson. Yes, it seems that he has taken to wearing high-heels and Strawberry Shortcake floppy hats. Hmm, 'Mr Wackson Jackson wears odd clothes', that's hardly a world shattering event of more importance than the usual immigrant bashing & religious outrage that the Mail tends to favour. It even beats the righteous indignation at Abu Hamza's financial situation, which doesn't merit a mention until page four. I doubt we'll ever see a day when real news, rather than rampant editorialising, will feature in the front pages of this particular paper, but at least celebrity fashion faux pas are more harmless than the hysterical screeching of the usual headlines.

Now Listening: Burlesque by Bellowhead
Irrational? Yes they are!
9:22 am
...Unless you are referring to Strawberry Shortcake style millinery, in which case, I think we all have a right to be fearful...
9:25 am
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