Not many words from me today, I'll let the pretty pictures speak for themselves. Today's blog is in honour of Steve Wynn, the idiot Las Vegas casino owner & art collector who managed to poke a hole through a £74million Picasso painting with his elbow, and is also lending the National Gallery one of his rubbish Renoir impressionist arseworks.
While in an unusually arty frame of mind I splashed a bit of paint on various surfaces and came up with a couple of satisfactory doodles. So for your viewing pleasure (if you're particularly masochistic) I present some of my own pointless (f)artwork.
(Commissioned for the friendly band Alphino's new album booklet)
* The oh-so-hilarious classroom taunt that I suffered numerous times a day for many years. You see, my name is Jon & sometimes in art class an eraser is required, but, and this is the clever bit, 'Rubber Johnny' is also a humorous euphemism for a naughty condom. Ho, and also Ha.
Huh huh huh... you said rubber johnny! Stunning artwork. But please don't put all the paintings on the net before we have a chance to actually sell the album, the artwork's too good and would outsell it! x
5:57 am
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